How to Make a Technical SEO Audit that Bridges The Gap with Developers

By Gabrio Linari, Last Updated on 18 August 2023

In the realm of search engine optimization, the term “technical SEO audit” often comes surrounded by apprehension. Many, especially those who aren’t as versed in SEO, may wonder, “What is that??” and “Why should you ask for such an audit?” At its core, a technical audit delves deep into the behind-the-scenes of your website, ensuring that web developers have constructed the site in a way that search engines can easily understand and rank.

But not all tech SEO audit services are created equal. While some might think that working with web developers is all about having a checklist and ticking off boxes, the reality is far different and more nuanced. It’s not just about knowing how to conduct a technical SEO site audit; it’s about understanding the why behind every recommendation.

There’s a growing misconception in the industry. Many (even SEO agencies that will remain nameless) believe that a simple Screaming Frog output, or a SEO checklist, transposed onto an Excel spreadsheet, constitutes a complete deliverable and will change the world. This is far from the truth. How to do it then? It’s about diving deep, understanding the intricacies, and ensuring every aspect aligns with best practices for optimal search engine performance and user experience.

In my role as a Director of SEO and Global SEO Consultant, I’ve come across countless instances where SEOs, when tasked with a SEO technical audit, merely scratch the surface. However, I firmly believe that to truly provide an effective technical SEO audit service, one must move beyond the surface. It’s about understanding not only what the issue is but also comprehending why it’s happening, the impact it has on SEO and business, and, crucially, how to fix it.

Today we’ll journey together on how to answer these questions: “What is the issue?”, “Why is it happening”, “Impact for SEO/Business” and “How to fix it”.

technical seo audit process

1. Moving Beyond Superficial Insights in a Technical SEO Audit: What is the Issue?

In the early stages of a technical SEO audit, it’s crucial to establish a clear picture of the current state of a website. This isn’t just about recognizing problems; it’s about understanding their breadth, depth, and the context in which they exist. Properly answering the question, “What is the issue?” involves meticulous data gathering and analysis.

a. Gathering Comprehensive Data:

b. Analyzing the Data:

Once the data is gathered, the next step is understanding its implications:

2. Unraveling the Root Causes with a Technical SEO Audit: Why Is It Happening?

Every technical glitch, anomaly, or issue arises from a specific cause. In the context of an SEO technical audit, simply identifying issues without understanding their root causes is a recipe for superficial fixes that don’t address the heart of the problem. Addressing the ‘why’ is crucial for long-term website health and ensuring seamless collaborations with website developers.

a. CMS Setting Oversights:

Modern Content Management Systems (CMS) offer ease of use, but they’re not foolproof. Incorrect configurations or outdated modules can lead to unexpected SEO issues. For instance:

Understanding and rectifying these in the CMS can swiftly resolve a multitude of issues.

b. Server Functionality:

The server is the backbone of any website. Issues here can have widespread repercussions:

c. Gaps in Communication:

Working with web developers is pivotal for SEO success. However, communication gaps can lead to misalignments:

Ensuring clear, two-way communication is pivotal to bridge these gaps.

d. Deviation from Web Development Best Practices:

Every industry has its set of best practices, and web development is no different. Common missteps include:

Identifying deviations from these practices can spotlight areas of improvement.

e. Additional Considerations:

3. The Ripple Effect: Impact on SEO and Business Performance

In the world of digital business, even minor technical glitches can ripple outward, impacting user experience, search rankings, and ultimately, the bottom line. A comprehensive technical SEO audit doesn’t just spotlight these issues; it gauges their potential impact on both SEO and broader business performance.

a. Key Metrics of SEO:

SEO is multifaceted, and different issues can impact various key performance indicators (KPIs):

Understanding the relation between issues and these KPIs helps quantify their SEO impact.

b. Crawlability and Indexability:

The foundation of SEO lies in ensuring that search engines can crawl and index content effectively:

c. Search Visibility:

Your online presence’s strength is directly tied to how visible your pages are in search results:

d. Usability and Conversion:

Beyond visibility, it’s about engagement:

e. Speed, Traffic, and Revenue:

f. T-shirt Size Recommendations:

A holistic SEO audit should help prioritize fixes. Using a T-shirt size model (XS, S, M, L, XL) can be an effective way to communicate the scale and urgency of issues:

4. Bridging the Gap with a Technical SEO Audit: How To Fix It?

In the vast and intricate world of technical SEO, recognizing problems is only the beginning. Implementing solutions stands as the primary objective. Effective resolution demands sharp communication, developer-centric strategies, and direct, actionable steps.

a. Make It Happen, Today:

Every moment counts in the digital sphere. Delays can lead to dwindling revenues, a tarnished brand reputation, and a slide in search visibility. Therefore, every solution must be both immediate and effective.

b. Tuned for Developers:

When it comes to technical SEO fixes, website developers are at the frontline. Proper communication is key, and this means crafting detailed and clear recommendations, especially when using platforms like Jira.

c. Actionable Recommendations:

Serve up clear, feasible steps:

d. Reference Sources:

Corroborate your solutions with trusted sources:

e. Tailored to the CMS:

Every CMS presents unique challenges and advantages:

f. Visuals/Videos for Extra Clarity:

Visual aids amplify comprehension:

5. Seamless Slacks with Web Developers: Navigating Implementation Together

So, you’ve polished up an absolute gem of a technical SEO audit (and you covered Why/What/Where/How), and now it’s showtime – time to roll up those sleeves and work hand-in-hand with the web developers to make those fantastic improvements a reality. But hey, this isn’t just about diving into code; it’s about weaving a bridge between the creative SEO world and the magical realm of development.

Bridging the Personality Tapestry:

Alright, we get it, web devs might not always be the loudest ones in the room. They’re more like the wizards behind the curtain, weaving spells of code. While I might be chattering away about metadata, algorithms, and rankings, developers are busy crafting digital spells with their keyboard wands.

Unveiling the Communication Enchantment:

  1. Speaking in Code: Not the binary type, but the language developers understand best. Translate SEO speak into their dialect. Trust me, it’s like unlocking a secret door to their realm.
  2. Showcasing the “Why”: Remember those juicy insights we unearthed during the audit? Share the backstory. When developers see the bigger picture, they become the co-authors of your SEO story (and perhaps your best friends too).
  3. Collaboration Potion: Mix their technical brilliance with your SEO expertise. Brew a potion of collaboration, where everyone’s voice counts, and solutions take shape through collective wisdom.
  4. Feedback Spells: Think of feedback as a magical spell that needs the right incantation. Keep it clear and structured, just like you’d cast a spell with precise movements.
  5. Chat Chronicles: Don’t be a stranger. Regular check-ins, whether they’re casual chats over a digital cup of coffee or scheduled huddles, keep everyone in the loop.
  6. Cheer for Victories: When something clicks into place – when your SEO wisdom combines with their coding craft – raise a virtual toast. Celebrate these wins; they’re the building blocks of camaraderie.

Beyond Pixels and Pixels:

In the midst of all these discussions and code collaborations, something remarkable happens. Relationships blossom. Sure, the developer might be a keyboard sorcerer, and you’re the SEO bard with words, but together, we’re more than the sum of our professional parts.

Ultimately, the journey from SEO insights to real-world implementation thrives on genuine conversations and partnerships with the enchanting web developers. So, let’s weave a bit of magic into our discussions and co-create something truly extraordinary.

In Conclusion….

Technical SEO Audits are more than just an inventory of errors; they’re the first step toward enhancing a website’s visibility in the digital realm. Guiding these insights into actionable changes involves a synergy of communication and collaboration with website developers, where SEO expertise meets the realm of coding.

Engage in the Dialogue: If your company faces constraints on time or seeks a swift route to empowering your web developers with SEO know-how, I extend my mouse ehm my hand to guide you. Ensure your website gains the competitive edge it deserves. Reach out now and re-ignite your SEO journey.