About Gabrio Linari

My Story

From a young age, I’ve been captivated by computers and always considered myself a computer geek. My dad introduced me to DOS on our 386 computer—yes, the kind that required multiple floppy disks just to load Windows. It wasn’t uncommon for those disks to corrupt, forcing a fresh start. Although the machine operated at a snail’s pace, it’s a significant part of my childhood memories, alongside VHS tapes. Those were the days!

Decades later, I found myself working as a professional photographer, connecting with incredible people and conducting workshops globally. There’s a section on this site titled “wanderlust photography,” which, while now leaning towards travel and leisure, showcases my fondness for night shots. Occasionally, I offer photography lessons.

After working as a photographer for a number of years, I decided to try another one of my passions: cooking. I mentioned earlier I’m Italian, right? Food’s in the blood, you know! I attended the prestigious Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts School in London with the idea of working as a chef in the near future. It was an amazing experience; I met some incredible people and indulged in so much food! Tried my hand at a few posh London eateries and even a stint at a Hilton, but soon realized… maybe the chef’s life was a tad too spicy for me!

So, I decided to go back to something that could put food on the table while also enabling me to support my family. By then, I was getting married and thought, “Hang on a minute, I know how to optimize a website… digital… London… hello!”

That marked the beginning of my digital journey into the fantastic world of SEO, starting in the ever-evolving atmosphere of London. There, I had the chance to work with some of the brightest minds in the industry, experiencing events like Brighton SEO and more.

I’m genuinely grateful for the opportunity to transform my passion into full-time work. I believe we’re truly fortunate in this industry.

I’ve recently taken up a new endeavour. I am a huge fan of Korean culture and dream of wandering the bustling streets of Seoul someday, indulging in that delicious chicken ?. So, I’m attempting to learn Korean – it’s quite the challenge, LOL! Thanks Duo!