SEO Clients & Performance Marketing

My client portfolio includes a diverse range of niches and types of clients, where I’ve worked on various aspects of SEO and digital marketing. Below is a categorized list of the types of clients and the work involved.

Client Niches:

  • Automotive Industry
  • Cloud Hosting Services
  • Consumer Goods
  • CRM Solutions
  • Educational Services
  • Electronics
  • Employment Services
  • Energy Sector
  • Fashion and Apparel
  • Financial Brokers
  • Financial Technology
  • Global Human Resources
  • Healthcare
  • High Fashion
  • Hospitality
  • Landscape Design
  • Leisure Activities
  • Luxury Goods
  • Media and Recording Platforms
  • Mental Health
  • Online Retail
  • Property Technology
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Vision Care
  • Workspace Solutions

Types of Clients:

  • Informational:
    Clients in this category typically provide content, resources, and information to their audience. These clients often focus on educating their users, offering insights, and maintaining high-quality content to attract and engage visitors. Examples include healthcare information providers, financial advice platforms, automotive guides, and business security services.

  • Transactional: These clients primarily focus on facilitating transactions, whether it’s booking travel, selling products, or processing payments. Their primary goal is to optimize the user journey for conversions and sales, ensuring a smooth and efficient transactional experience.

  • SaaS clients offer software solutions delivered via the cloud. These clients require a strong online presence to attract and retain users, focusing on demonstrating the value and efficiency of their software services. SEO work for these clients often includes content strategy, technical SEO, and user engagement.

Scope of Work:

  • Algorithm Analysis and Optimization
  • Backlinks Analysis and Management
  • Content Marketing
  • Content Strategy and Team Growth
  • Local SEO
  • Paid Social Campaigns
  • Strategy
  • Strategy Development
  • Technical SEO

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